“…it served a higher purpose: to elevate the genre of great ballet music to the concert hall, and with this performance Marc Taddei proved the case most convincingly.”
“I found the symphony matched particularly well to Taddei’s style and would like to see him do more Schubert. The energy and excitement poured into these pieces by Taddei and the orchestra paces and leads, uplifting and captivating you entirely. This was a truly unforgettable second half.”
“…Taddei gave us a reading of great urgency and vitality…All sections were razor sharp, drawing the obvious conclusion that with such imaginative planning and the increasing quality of the playing, these concerts thoroughly deserve the large audiences they are attracting.”
“A fine concert, with orchestra and soloist in excellent form.”
“Orchestra Wellington under the baton of Marc Taddei played the magical score by Adolphe Adam beautifully and with that sense of urgency which drove a memorable evening forward. “